Sunday, October 18, 2009

FourTuned™ = Life-Saving Pleasure.

Yesterday, Lucinda Flint and I attended a lecture with Dr. Christiane Northrup and Cheryl Richardson. It was a lively and uplifting workshop as promised. Dr. Northrup and Cheryl provided compelling evidence about the profound connection between health and pleasure. As I listened to them, I heard the words of FourTuned™ For a Whirlwind of Well Being playing on my mind and I knew we who developed it, are on the right track in helping others to health and pleasure. I knew I needed to challenge you to help yourself to that which will ultimately help YOU. I have been listening to this MP3 since July 3. Months later, I am feeling great effects in mind, body and spirit.

I say this not because "WE WROTE IT"...I say this because it is "REWRITING ME"... as I work towards achieving and maintaining health and happiness. My father used to ask... "Are you having fun?" I would now say,"Yes, healthfully." May you at some point experience our FourTuned™ For a Whirlwind of Well Being MP3 to add more life-saving pleasure to your life right now!

Stay tuned for its premier debut at World Hypnotism Day. If you attended last year, you know we experimented with our new technique. As we celebrate once again, (YOU ARE INVITED-FREE) on Sunday, January 3, 2010 at The Self Center, you will have the opportunity to purchase the CD at current prices... But why wait... Order your copy now... Download the MP3 or order the CD at or CDs and MP3s -A Self-Hypnosis MP3/CD that will flow through the levels of your Chakra System to clear, tune-up and recharge. I know I am, as both Dr. Northrup and Cheryl Richardson reinforced at their lecture-FourTuned = Life-Saving Pleasure.